
How to Apply for SSD

Difference in SSI & SSDI

Why Was I Denied SSD

How Long Do I Have to Be Off Work

Should I Appeal or Give Up

They Say I Can Do Other Work

Factors that Determine SSD Disability

Denied Even Though MD Says I Am Disabled

Inability to Perform Past Jobs

Receiving SSD and SSI

Children's Cases

Top 10 SSD Questions

Central PA Office

4076 Market Street
Suite 209

Camp Hill, PA 17011

(717) 975-0500


Western PA Office

1149 Municipal Drive
PO Box 663

Duncansville, PA 16635

(814) 693-0500


Franklin County

(717) 709-0500


(888) 249-9660 (toll free)

(814) 693-0501 (fax)

(717) 975-0501 (fax)



My Appeal Deadline Expired

You have 60 days from the date of your denial to file an appeal. Please call us as soon as possible after you receive the denial so that we can timely file it for you.

If your deadline for your appeal has already expired, you may need to file a new claim for Social Security Disability benefits.  However, if you have a good reason for missing the deadline, I may be able to save your appeal. So, please call my office as soon as possible after you realize that your appeal has expired so that your chances of success are the greatest.


So call or email Lisa today to schedule your Social Security Disability appointment with Shawn or fill out the email form below. Or, if you prefer, click the red appointment widget to the right to schedule an appointment yourself.